Moving to Paris

Moving to Paris

Paris, la ville lumière !

When we think of Paris, we picture the city of Lights with the Eiffel Tower, the Seine River, The gorgeous architecture and delicious Food.

I’ve curated some tips so that you can enjoy your new adventure if you are considering relocating to Paris, France.



Cute Pink Home on the Famous Rue Crémieux, in Paris


A little about my story…

Paris had always felt like a second home to me. So, a few years ago, I decided to move overseas. I packed my suitcase and flew 6000km from Toronto, Canada to Paris, France to pursue my dreams of working in Fashion in the world’s fashion capital. (Exciting right !?)


1) Research your Neighborhoods

Paris consists of “Arrondissements” – different districts with a wide range of lifestyles and crowds.

Choose a location that suits your vibe and that will be close to your school/work.

Paris has a great metro line, but believe me, you’ll want to stay as close and central to your workplace /school (In event of Strikes). Essentially, it comes down to your Budget and proffered Area based on your research.

2) Purge your items

We’ve all been there – accumulating all sorts of things over the years: clothes, shoes, books and other questionable things. Try to Purge and donate as much as you can, and if needed Store a few items away if they’re really worth keeping. I took a minimalist approach and it was a breath of fresh air. I also tried to live with the “2 suitcase” rule while living abroad ; that way if I need to pick up and go I won’t be tied down to “things”.

3) Give yourself time to adjust

If you’re starting a new job or looking for work when you arrive, make sure you take a breather for at least one week to familiarize yourself with the City and your surroundings. Paris is so rich culturally. That means lots of museums, places to walk and sit for lunch, specialty shopping, and overall beauty to leave you in awe. It’s so exciting!

4) Keep your paperwork organized and handy

Purchase some binders and folders, because a lot of things are still done via paper in France, (seriously, get ready for lots of Paperwork) and it can be easy to lose track of all of the categories. Also, bring your diplomas if you’re going to be applying for jobs, as employers may request them.










5) Vibe with your Tribe: Find your community 

The best way to make friends abroad is to join Facebook Groups (Especially virtually with Covid).

I already had a few friends and some family in Paris, but I really wanted to connect with the local artistic community. Sure enough, I couldn’t find one so I co-founded Creative Expats”. We grew from just a few members to 2000 + members that eventually became my second family in Paris.

If you need to learn French and connect with people in your area, once again Facebook is your best bet. (Remember to cautious though !)


“We’ll always have Paris”


Artwork by Mucha, one of my favorite Art Nouveau artists


Last but not least – get ready for a great adventure. Life is all about ups and downs, but if you stay positive and work hard, you will find your calling. Good luck !

And don’t hesitate to hit me up if you need some extra tips about the city, settling in or would like to meet a few friendly faces.

You can also join our fabulous group Creative Expats


À la prochaine !



Photos of Violette by : Olya Shpunt

  • Great tips! I love the minimalist approach as well. It’s super easy to get carried away. But always a friendly reminder to do so!

    29 September 2020 at 21 h 45 min
  • Olya

    Very useful tips, I love your magazine ✨. Amazing style 👍. Waiting for you in Paris.

    29 September 2020 at 22 h 33 min

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