Sweet Things

Sweet Things

Summer may be over, but memories last Forever

We’ve all had a different summer than what we usually experience. A Roadtrip to switch up the mood is always a good idea.




Kingston, Ontario City Hall



A moment of peace




La Piscine



Time for some BBQ after a long swim 


Kingston Sunset


Arno la pieuvre’s auto-portrait




Light Reads


Enjoying the fantastic weather




Selfie Time



Time to get back to Reality…


What’s your favorite summer memory ?



  • Great pictures. My favorite summer memory this year would be hanging out with friends by the lakeshore.

    14 September 2020 at 20 h 58 min
  • Fabiooo

    Awesome pictures 👏
    Favourite memories this year were spending more time at the cottage.

    Loved the post!

    14 September 2020 at 23 h 30 min

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