Paris Diaries Miniseries I

Paris Diaries Miniseries I

Welcome to the Paris Diaries miniseries

The #SoVioletteJournal has curated some favorite Paris memories









One of My favorite teas : Blanc & Rose from Mariage Frères


Catching up on some Fashion inspiration


Photography by : Olya Shpunt




It’s Dinner time and Italian food is calling my name


Pink Mamma to satisfy my craving



Bubbles, please


Chilling mode


Ready, Set, Wasn’t ready for this one…


Floral Scents



Spring is in the Air


Stay safe,

xo, Violette




  • BM

    Love this💖💖 My favourite Post💖💖

    31 March 2020 at 20 h 32 min
    • Violette

      Thank you 💜 glad you enjoyed

      31 March 2020 at 20 h 58 min
  • Teresa Fong

    So chic so elegant so you ❤️ I can’t wait for the new updates.

    31 March 2020 at 21 h 42 min
  • Victoria

    Loving the content in this post!

    2 April 2020 at 0 h 29 min

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