Moradness Motorsport Artists Launch at RClub

Moradness Motorsport Artists Launch at RClub

On this month’s #SoVioletteJournal, we have a special guest joining us for an exclusive interview : Moradness Co-Founder Jessica Hofman.

Earlier this month, SoViolette and The Euro Club attented the launch of the Moradness Motorsport Artists Launch at RClub, right here in our beloved Toronto.

Let’s Discover this Canadian Brand…

Jessica & Daniel are life partners that decided to start Moradness and grow their business together.


Jessica Hofman is a Toronto-Based Public Relations specialist and Entrepreneur


After studying Fashion Marketing in Paris and working in PR for several years, Jessica’s ultimate dream was always to have her own company and brand in the clothing industry.

Her life partner, Daniel Morad is a professional race car driver that grew up at the kart track and made his way through the ranks of motorsport to reach the highest level of sportscar racing including winning the Daytona Rolex 24 hour Series.

Starting small with just a few snapback hats, they’ve now developed a full headwear and loungewear line inspired by racing, karting experiences and a championship tailored to amateur racers, a growing community of passionate and like-minded people as well as a headwear customization service for companies, race teams and drivers.



We sat down with Jessica to speak about her business and label

1) Violette : As a Canadian label, have you seen a lot of support locally and internationally?

Jessica: Definitely! We are part of the motorsport community and we truly see a lot of support for Moradness in Canada but also in the US and Europe. It obviously does not happen magically. We have to work hard and connect with people in order for them to discover the brand. Our client/follower base is fully organic and it’s amazing to see.


2) Violette Do you think it’s important for young Canadian Entrepreneurs to launch their own business? What would you say is the most challenging part? The best part?

 Jessica: Yes it’s important but there are a few conditions. First of all, you have to truly want it and expect hard times and hurdles. There are also a lot of great moments in the process of building a company but patience is key. Always celebrate the small wins and keep pushing. Never be afraid of asking for the support of your friends and family, whether it’s sharing or posting about your company on social media or actually supporting you by purchasing from you. Your family and friends are your first audience and they need to be “sold” on what you offer before anyone else is. It will boost your confidence and show you that what you are building whether it’s a product or service, has potential.


3) Violette: Last weekend at R Club, you hosted the Moradness Launch party for the Latest Collection “Motorsport Artists. Can you tell us a little bit more about the collaboration with the artists? When will it be available to purchase online?

Jessica: Sure! Back in July, we hosted a fun photo contest on our social media platforms to find our next print that would be part of our Fall collection. We asked motorsport photographers around the world to sign up and send us their best photo. The idea was to have 1 winner but when we saw all the amazing art we were getting, we decided to extend the invitation to 3 winners and in the end, they all happened to be Canadian photographers! We decided to call the collection Motorsport Artists as a way to showcase the work of talented photographers that work hard year-round, traveling to different race tracks to take amazing photos for teams and drivers. We thought it was important to highlight their photos and give them some love!


4) Violette : What is your Favorite clothing piece or accessory in the Moradness collection?

Jessica : I don’t have a favourite piece because I love them all, but the one thing I am most proud of is our growing collection of hats. We’ve started Moradness with headwear and it’s really what brought us to the next level. Therefore, I am very proud of the headwear collection we’ve grown since 2017 and all the different designs, shapes and colours we’ve been able to offer.


5) Violette : It’s been tough for a lot of entrepreneurs and business owners due to Covid-19.

How did you manage to keep on pushing your business? Do you think we’re heading towards a different way of selling and marketing in the future?

 Jessica : It has been tough indeed. For us, Covid-19 hit right when we were starting our Karting championship, so we had to work around new rules and create a completely new schedule as well as making sure all our participants were at ease and comfortable to participate in our events. No matter what we keep pushing every day. I know times are tough, but I do think people still need distractions, activities, beautiful affordable products that bring joy and hope. We have to try to adapt to this new reality but also keep doing what we’re doing to preserve our happiness and drive. I definitely think online is the way to go for now. I think we’re going back to a simpler lifestyle and brands need to adapt to the “new normal” or these new values, which is staying in, being comfy and cozy, spending more time doing what really matters and with the people that truly matter, buying more meaningful things, feeling safe, etc.


6) Violette : Last but not least, what’s your favorite Moradness Moment?

Jessica: I think our clothing launch event last year in October 2019 was one of the best moments for me, to realize the growth of Moradness and how we have such loyal and amazing customers that were there with us to celebrate this milestone!


 Shop and Follow the Moradness Clothing line here :

Facebook/Instagram: @moradness


The Amazing New Motorsports Collection






Loving the details !


Shop Moradness Gear 


A little R Club tour to follow suit !

BMW Classics are one of my favorites



What’s your choice – Air Cooled or Turbo Charged ?


Pick your Poison


Written in the Stars…#Constellations



Thank you for joining us for this month’s #SoVioletteJournal ,stay safe !



Photo Credit : Violette Ines H. M., Daniel Morad , Marek J. Goldyn

Additional Press : Diana Pivrati, assistant to Euro Club Canada


  • Moradness is much more than a clothing brand, for me it is more of a high-quality level motorsport lifestyle.

    Great interview!

    28 October 2020 at 0 h 02 min
  • Oreste

    Looks like I know where my next shirt will be from 🙂

    28 October 2020 at 17 h 32 min
  • Roman Rapita

    Such a cool brand, keeping the Motorsport lifestyle alive. Love the simplicity of their clothing line and the fact that it’s a Canadian brand. We need more of this to get more people interested in Motorsports. Great write up Violette and thanks for bringing this brand to light.

    28 October 2020 at 23 h 32 min

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